Fresh Ginger-Turmeric Base Ingredients
(prepare this part in advance and store in glass jars for daily use)
- 1 piece of fresh ginger root (about size of your palm)
- 1 piece of fresh turmeric root (about size of middle finger)
- Peel and grate finely into a blender
- Add 8.5 cups of water and blend.
- Pour blended mixture into a pot and bring ginger-turmeric water to a boil for about 3-5 mins.
- Strain into glass bottles. (You can use pasta sauce bottles.)
- You can use the left-over fiber from the strained out ginger-turmeric in foods.
Drink the following each morning
(1 large glass daily)
- Fill a large glass about 1/3 full of the ginger-turmeric juice
- Add juice of 1 lemon
- Add 1 tsp honey
- Fill the rest of the glass with hot water
- Drink
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